Email marketing is not dead! It is very easy to forget it when starting your business, either due to a lack of confidence in the email or fear that your actions wont work. But it never to late to begin. Here are 6 reasons why you should have email marketing in your business:
1) Easey to target specific audiences By making contact lists it will be very easy to target your message to a specific group or segment. Not everyone needs the same incentive. Customize the information you send to get a better result.
2) Call to Action
With emails it is easy to add incentives that invite the recipient to take action. Either visiting a web page, taking an offer, taking a survey or watching a video, you can use these emails to create interaction with your customers.
3) They are fast
It is important to consider the days and hours for delivery, but if done properly you should have 80% of your response in less than 12 hours.
4) Increase brand awareness
It is crutial to remind our clients that we are there. Whether it's by offering them something new or a discount, just being in their inbox will be a great way to stay on top-of-mind.
5) They are highly measurable
Las herramientas populares de email marketing te permiten tener una medición muy exacta del desempeño de tus correos enviados. Nada es mejorable sino es medible. Mide a cuantas personas les llegó a buzón, cuantas lo abrieron, cuantas interactuaron con él, cuantas se dieron de baja de la lista, mide todo.
Most popular email marketing tools allow you to have very accurate measurement of your email´s performance. Nothing can be improved if it is not measurable. How many people reached, how many opened the email, how many interacted with your CTA, how many unsubscribed from the list....measure everything.
6) Cheaper than other marketing tools
Stop printing flyers that no one will read. Avoid unnecessary costs in advertising tools that are difficult to measure their effectiveness and take advantage of the reach of email marketing.